Contact Us

Our Location

PS Electronics INC
PS Electronics INC
705 Pierpont St.
Rahway NJ, 07065
View Google Map

Opening Times
Mon 10-6
Tue 10-6
Wed 10-6
Thu 10-6
Fri 10-6

For holiday closures and the most up-to-date operating times
check our Google listing under "Links" at the bottom of this page

This Contact Us form is intended for when you are ready to send in your device.
We do not respond to this form, This is to match your information to the device you mail us.
For any general questions about what we service or prices you can click around
in the (All Repair Services) menu above or send an email to:
Instructions for form:
Please fill out all sections
If you are from outside of the US
send an email to:
Contact Form
Please provide your model number or year and type of device.
example: An A1707 from 2016, or you can call it a 2016 15 inch MacBook Pro
Please tell us what happened to your machine.
What does not work? Is it liquid damaged? ect.